Follow us on your Fediverse account!
Many of you have hopefully heard of the Fediverse, if not stay tuned and we will have another post to help you get there. In a nutshell the Fediverse is a decentralized social media platform that is run by many independent servers and is not controlled by any single entity, it is what social media should be all about.
Our website is ActivityPub enabled, which means any posts we make will also show up in the Fediverse, but first you have to follow us! To do that you can search for and that will allow you to follow the main blog account. You can also follow our individual authors by replacing with @authroname, for instance you can follow me as, easy right!
Anyhow, be sure to follow us to get updated on the Fediverse and sign up for our email list in the right sidebar widget to get updates there as well.